Santa Monica, California

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that balances, energizes, and heals the body and spirit.

Balances, energizes, heals.

Rei, means Universal or Spiritual wisdom, and ki life energy. Reiki is a Japanese technique, with laying hands in different parts of the body promoting healing with Universal energy.

Reiki promotes relaxation, reduces stress, improves our self-force to heal, balances the chakras (energy centers within the body), increaseses positive thoughts, resulting in an improved overall wellbeing.

I have been doing Reiki since 1998. I have the most amazing feedbacks from clients throughout the years, people changed their lives in many ways in their first sessions. Something magic occur in different sheets in our existence during the Reiki sessions, it is very soothing, settle, but powerful at the same time. If you never receive it before, I suggest you to TRY IT! You will be amazed at how much it could help you!

Reiki and Crystals - Healing and Balance
Millions of years old crystals have been used for healing and protection since ancient times.

Since the beginning of humankind people have been using crystals,minerals and gem stones for emotional healing and spiritual balance.

Crystals are millions of years old. They are the most orderly structure that could exists in nature. Considered as the DNA of Earth.

When Crystals are use with Reiki, both amplify their power! They become more effective in balancing all the chakras, the energy centers within the body. Healing is created and improved in the physical, mental and spiritual realms.