Santa Monica, California

My story and why I care deeply about healing the Body, Mind & Spirit

My Story
"From life I learned to survive despite adverse circumstances, which awakened in me the magic of believing, of knowing that everything was going to be good."

I was born in a small town in Argentina. The path of healing and intuition came to me at a very young age, starting with the influence of my father, a soulful Medical doctor. He taught me that the power of compassion and love were fundamental at the time of self-healing, and to heal others.

From life I learned to survive despite adverse circumstances, which awakened in me the magic of believing and knowing that everything was going to be good. Trying to evolve on the spiritual plane, trying to find peace, at the age of 23 Ilearned to meditate, which allowed me to understand the importance of controlling the mind. I discovered another world of joy and inner peace.

My travels around the world and extended stays in some countries taught me to open my heart, to understand and learn from different cultures, to be a traveler more than a tourist, and to absorb perspectives that would change my own life. More than 20 years ago, after living in different continents and several months through India, I arrived in California.

In 1999 I received my massage therapy license from the Massage School of Santa Monica which gave me a deep understanding of the body, the spirit - mind connection, as well as the fundamental importance of breathing.

In 2000 I embarked on an intensive teachers training course at the Sivananda Ashram, a beautiful and magical place surrounded by mountains and a lake in Grass Valley, California. Here I was baptized with my spiritual name SITA.

In addition to the daily yoga classes I was in charge of different chores at themonks’ and nuns’ house. These were my Karma Yoga.

The practice of yoga and meditation had always been an important part of my life and I knew that the path of yoga and healing were my destiny. This sweet and special experience awakened in me a deep inspiration to teach.

Already practicing massage therapy, I started my journey as a yoga teacher. Until today, I continue to explore new modalities of healing such as Reiki and Crystals, as well as broadening my knowledge base and understanding of my calling.

I’m devoted to helping others heal their body and mind guiding them toward more mental, physical and spiritual awareness.

I have studied and have been deeply influenced by the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Indra Devi, Max Strom, Shiva Rea, Denise Kaufman, Sherry Brourman, Lynda Carre, Vishnu, Swami Sitarananda and specially by Saul David Raye whose classes I assisted for three years. I’m eternallygrateful to all of my teachers, mentors and spiritual masters that I came across in my life, for all their love and inspiration.

Work Experience
While living, growing and healing experiences arrived at the right moment.

  • Sivananda Center, Venice, teaching Yoga.
  • Westmister School, Venice, teaching Yoga to employees.
  • Sacred Energy Arts Studio, Venice, Teaching Yoga.
  • Burke Williams Spa, Santa Monica best spa in California, masseuse for 12 years, also taught Yoga to my colleagues.
  • YMCA Santa Monica, 3 years teaching Yoga volunteer to seniors.
  • I’m still teaching private Yoga classes, doing massages, Reiki and Crystal Healing, with the convenience of not moving from your home, I’m going to you!

Some of my teachers and mentors were Max Strom, Saul David Raye, Siva Rea, Swami Sitarananda, Jeff Mace (Vishnu), and the teachings of Sathya Sai Baba.

Much gratitude from the bottom of my heart to all my teachers, mentors, gurus, and friends.


  • California license for massage.
  • Yoga certifications.
  • - Sivananda certification 2000. - Yoga certification with Saul David Raye- Shiva Rea- Max Strom- Sherry Brourman 2002.
    - Yoga certification with Saul David Raye. 2004
  • Reiki certifications.
    - Usui Shiki Ryoho level l with Lourdes Reginensi 1998
    - Usui Shiki Ryoho level l and ll with Nicole Pigeault 2004
    - Usui/Holy fire ll Reiki Ryoho with Juliana Davis 2018
    - Advanced Crystal Healing certification with Juliana Davis 2018.